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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 10 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

24th September 2011
Hiking - Walking: Belcastel-France
Wind Direction:
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Weather: sunny periods
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Saturday 24th September 2011 – walking, sightseeing, a little travelling **** sunny periods – Belcastel
Top night at our spot by the river at Cajarc up early, park at town for bread and milk and fill our water bottles from tap in square before heading downstream to check out the last piece of le Lot. Stunning scenery all the way including some top towns including a lovely spot to stop another time at Larnagol, stopped at a lay by overlooking the river and the local graffiti artist had painted old style cave painting of woolly mammoths etc – very funny :) A round Limogne en-Quercy we searched for some standing stones again without success :( but did find a Dolman – a stone burial chamber !!! Then it was onto the Mc Donald’s at Villefranche de-Rouerque to sit in their car park for a couple of hours, drink our coffee and use their toilet and wifi and updated our blog, uploaded some pics on Facebook and sort out our emails and Mag even got a book from Felixstowe library on her e-reader:) I then set our satnav for what I thought was Belcastel on the I’Aveyron but realised it was taking us the wrong way :( Mag checked it and discovered it was taking us to La Franqui !!! Reset it and tried again, still going the wrong way and then discovered there are two Belcastels!!! Reset and we were third time lucky and found Belcastel – a Magical Place built on a cliff overlooking the river L’Aveyron, it was pay to park everywhere and just no free spots nearby so I know you will find this hard to believe we paid 11 Euro’s for a campsite but oh what a campsite!!! Across the river from the town with fantastic views of all the old houses and chateau and right by the water, and we can have a shower in the morning :) So after lunch we headed on foot up to the church and then up the steep hill to the woods, Mag with her tree book checking off the trees we found a small fort above a shrine with 14 wooden crosses up a steep slope to three crosses at the top!!! We then crossed the river and headed back into town past the man setting up a large bbq to roast a pig!!! And up to the chateau through the narrow cobbled streets with the stone houses with stunning stone roofs, even with the chateau entrance reduced from 8 to 4 Euro’s we passed on that experience and headed back to the van for tea and biscuits with our feet in the water, reading and watching the little green frogs!!! Top carbonara to tea and then hear another wedding convoy honking their horns around the town and wedding party stopped just the other side of the bridge to us to celebrate as it got dark and the lights were turned on in the town :) We then had a walk around taking some night shots after speaking to a lovely Australian family of 4 here in a tent over in Europe for 5 weeks and they had done 10’000 miles in their hire car already !!! They were sitting at the closed campsite bar with their computer using the free wifi:) so after our stroll seeing the wedding party having a meal and a medieval banquet in the town hall we tried our luck with the wifi but although it said we were connected no pages would come up : Mag ran a couple of scans and it sorted that out and we even got the wifi in the van!

Check out photos on Facebook :) =c817137869&type=1

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